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Rick Leche – PHOTOGRAPHY &  d i g i t a l  i m a g i n g       

Rick is a professional photographer and digital artist who has been actively pursuing the visual capture and presentation of the beautiful World that surrounds us. He has been active in Photography since the advent of “digital” photography, some 15-20 years ago now…His partners in “Life” are his wife Donna and their Labradoodle Puppy “Frodo Baggins”

Some Eight years ago when they first met, they decided to make the rest of their lives together a new adventure and decided to move from the suburbs of Greater Vancouver BC across the Salish Sea (2-hour ferry ride) to the rural community of Black Creek on Beautiful Vancouver Island. They moved to the wild West (Wet) Coast of North America where life is beautiful, abounding with natural delights and one of the most beautiful areas in North America (but they self-confess are just a tad biased)

The presentation will be available in the Theatre and on Zoom
Zoom link for 1:00 pm

Sign in between 12.45 pm 

Saturday JANUARY 13TH , 2023



Meeting ID: 881 4150 8758

Passcode: 547541




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