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I have taught two classes on how to get into AI art and the results have been wonderful. If you hire me to do a presentation, it can go several ways depending on your audience and their interests and needs. The first one is to show how to get the software on your computer and running, It is a bit of a task for some and I guide them through the steps. After that I show the audience how to use the software that is changing the graphics arts world. A second approach is to combine the AI software with Photoshop. This is very important as a lot of the images that come out of AI programs are not “right” in many ways. I show how to fix the problems in the images so that they can be posted online or printed without criticism.

My presentation is centered on the Midjourney AI program which is run in Discord. Even though I have worked hard to learn how it can be used to create images, the learning curve continues to rise; I am daily reading about AI and experimenting with it and know it will forever change the world of art and industry. I will show how to set it up and begin using it for your creative outlets. The critics of this new phenomenon will probably continue to rant as did the artists who first saw photography becoming a national pastime. My presentation is geared for those wanting to expand their creative mindsets and learn about a tool for the masses. Perhaps that is why the art world is now in a tizzy.

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