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Rodney is professional landscape and seascape photographer who was born and raised in Ireland where he developed a love primarily for landscapes and seascapes.


Rodney will share his experience as a professional landscape photographer who runs workshops in Ireland and internationally. He will discuss the behind-the-scenes process, his preparation for workshops involves meticulous planning of locations, weather conditions, and potential shots. He will explain how he works with clients during a workshop, providing guidance, feedback, and encouragement while fostering a collaborative and supportive atmosphere which is the key to people getting the most out of their experience.

He stresses the significance of looking beyond the obvious to capture unique perspectives. This is also a fundamental aspect he strives to impart to workshop participants, encouraging them to explore creativity and develop their own artistic vision. 


Company Name: Rodney O’Callaghan Photography

 Website: www.rodneyocallaghanphotography.com 

Email Address: info@rodneyocallaghanphotography.com

 Phone Number: +353 852 2551 080



As announced at the May meeting and via BPG mailing this week:

  • This presentation will be broadcast live from Ireland to the Booth theatre only and not to members individually. 

This new procedure will hopefully make for a better viewing experience for BPG members, volunteers and speakers. The presentation will be recorded and the video will be available on the BPG website (boothphotographyguild.org) the next week. You will locate the Speaker Meeting videos by going to the BPG website home page menu, clicking on “Resource Library” and then clicking on “Speaker Meeting Videos”.




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